150/200 marks in JEE mains percentile and rank

How many percentile is 150 or 200 marks in JEE mains? What rank will i get?

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We cannot determine the exact JEE Mains percentile on the basis of marks as percentile depends on the difficulty level of question paper in your shift, number of students and marks obtained by them.

As per previous year marks vs percentile analysis, with 150 marks, you can get 95-98 percentile. With 200 marks, the percentile can be 99-99.8.

Rank in JEE Mains totally depends on the difficulty of the paper. If the paper is easy, 150 marks can fetch you a rank of around 40K. If the paper is moderate, it can be around 30K. If the paper is tough, the rank can be around 20K.

200 marks in JEE Main can get you a rank between 6K-8K, depending on the difficulty level of the paper.

Related Post : Tips to score 150-200 marks in the JEE Main