How to complete the IIT JEE syllabus in 6 months?

How should I complete the JEE syllabus in 6 months?

Here are some tips to complete the JEE syllabus in 6 months.

  1. Make a list of JEE topics and chapters remaining (class 11 and 12) and create a schedule to complete the syllabus in time. Adjust your study hours and follow the schedule sincerely.
  2. Master concepts/ topics one by one. Take up one topic at a time and focus on accomplishing the goals related to the topic; once that is over, move to the next topic in the syllabus.
  3. Don’t refer multiple books and material. A JEE coaching study material is more than enough to cover the syllabus.
  4. Clear all the basics in all subjects. Try not to skip topics. If you find any topic boring, then incorporate new effective methods of studying to make it more interesting. You can do this by active learning where you can question yourself, make flowcharts, tables and diagrams etc.
  5. Appear for mock tests, and assess yourself regularly. Take a look at each test and analyse if there’s anything you can do to improve your score.
  6. Improve your speed, accuracy and time management skills. This is possible with lots of questions solving and practice.
  7. Make notes of important terms, formulas, reactions, mistakes while solving problems, etc. Include your own shortcuts and tricks.
  8. Since the JEE will be conducted in online (computer-based) mode, you must practice online mock tests on a computer or laptop. It’s recommended to join an online test series.
  9. Take proper sleep. Compromising on sleep makes you sluggish and lazy. Ideally you need 6–8 hours of sleep to get active throughout the day.
  10. Don’t panic and stay calm during tough situations. There will be times when you would find it difficult to understand and manage things. Do not give up.

Hope it helps.

All the best.

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