Can an average student get more than a 600 score in the NEET?

Can an average student get more than a 600 score in the NEET? If possible, what are some tips?

Yes. An average student can get more than 600 score in the NEET provided he/she gets proper guidance, work hard with consistency and follow smart strategy and plan. There have been many average students who cleared NEET with good score.

Tips for Average Students to Get More than 600 in NEET

  1. Be consistent. Don’t miss out on your study schedule, homework and assignments.
  2. Focus on small goals. Set targets. Achieve them. Learn from mistakes. This is the best strategy.
  3. Strengthen your concepts to gain confidence. Start by solving problems that are not very deep. Focus on speed and accuracy.
  4. Do a lot of practice. Make problem solving a habit. With time you’ll be able to find solution quicker, in less steps.
  5. Have a right mindset. Believe in yourself. Your competition is not with other aspirants. Work on improving your skills.
  6. Be smart in your preparation. Learn time management skills. Solve mock tests. Make a notebook of mistakes and revise from it before each test.
  7. Make notes, revise important points and MCQs daily before sleep.
  8. Avoid all distractions or just stop involving in them from right now.
  9. Have good and empathetic teachers who appreciate the effort and perseverance, not just results in tests.

One of the thing that help immensely to the students who consider them average is the guidance and mentoring of teachers and experts. If you are not taking any coaching or private tuition for NEET, then consider joining one.

The teachers will not just help you to follow the right path to crack NEET but clear all your doubts regarding NEET, whether it’s subject specific or developing mental strength.

Related Page : NEET Online Coaching