Is it possible to prepare for JEE Main simultaneously with private college?

How should I prepare for JEE along with the college studies?

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Yes, it’s possible to prepare for JEE Main simultaneously with private college. You may have to maintain the required attendance in college which will take a lot of your time. Prepare a JEE preparation schedule keeping in that mind.

There will be days when you may like to give up, and find it difficult to attend college classes and simultaneously prepare for JEE. But one thing to keep in mind - You will try at least, and never back out.

Tips to prepare for JEE Main along with college studies.

  • Make sure you devote at-least 3–4 hours to JEE studies everyday. It can be early morning or after your college classes. The number of study hours can increase on holiday.
  • If you attempted JEE, how was your time management during the exam? Was it messed up? If yes, then practice a lot of mock tests to prepare a better exam strategy this time.
  • Join an online course for JEE during late evening hours, to stay on track and for clearing your doubts.
  • Find out your weak topics and concepts, and work hard to make them your strong areas. Don’t commit your previous mistakes, instead learn from them.
  • Keep revising what you are studying every day.
  • Know the right method for practicing JEE problems.
  • Learn to apply tricks in solving problems. This comes with lots of practice.
  • Solve JEE online mock tests after the syllabus is over.
  • Be determined. Never let negative people/ thoughts distract and demotivate you.

Hope it helps.